Eric is the author of Using Folktales (Cambridge) and editor of the contemporary language version of William Penn's Some Fruits of Solitude (Herald). His adult poetry and creative non-fiction have most recently appeared in River Teeth (“Beautiful Things” series), Plough Quarterly, English Journal, Snakeskin, Poetica, and Whale Road Review. Recent children's poems have appeared in The Caterpillar and Imperfect — Poems about Mistakes: An Anthology for Middle Schoolers. His passion is writing for children and young adults.
Eric holds an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. He has taught college-level writing, editing, and ESL; has done readings and discussions in elementary classrooms; and has led classes and workshops at AWP, StoryMakers, Eastern PA SCBWI, the New England Young Writers' Conference at Breadloaf, the Vermont Conference on Christianity & the Arts, the Northern Pen Young Writers' Conference, the Gove Hill Writing Retreat, and elsewhere. He has also served on the steering committee for the Vermont Conference on Christianity and the Arts.
Recent Publications
Creative Nonfiction
“A Loss for Words” (River Teeth: Beautiful Things)
adult poetry
“Periods” (English Journal)
“Growing Older” (Snakeskin)
children’s poetry
“Save It for Somebody Else” (Caterpillar) (click the link for a delightful reading)
“My Apologies” (Caterpillar)
“Donkey’s End” (Caterpillar)
“Teaching Style through Stylistic Destruction” (Whale Road Review)
“Improving Peer Critique through Focused Speed Dating” (Whale Road Review, spring 2021)